The Counter Revolution

The Counter Revolution

The nature and purpose of the book


The Counter Revolution is an encyclopaedic reference manual setting out a Programme of National Reform—transferring decisive power in the country from the corrupt and toxic British Ruling Elite (who have fatally misused power) to the individual British Citizen, and stopping Global Tyranny operating in Britain.

It is a blueprint for reconstructing Britain.

The Counter Revolution provides a new spiritual-political system for empowering the individual for a new era. It breaks virtually every current political taboo, and so those with old thinking caused by brainwashing over many years will despise it. But old thinking has to change. This is a completely new statement, unaligned with Left or Right, or any of the existing political fashions.

The Counter Revolution is not an attempt to persuade anyone of anything. It is not intended for the vast majority who are brainwashed and asleep. It is addressed to the very few who are already awake and want a practical strategy to stop Global Tyranny operating in Britain. The Counter Revolution provides that strategy.

Britain is dying.

British civilisation is being deliberately destroyed under the Plan.

The Plan is a campaign to establish total control over all human beings. The aim is to form a world-wide dictatorship whereby the dictatorship has complete control over all global energy, all global resources and all global property, and whereby it enslaves every human being in the world in all their activities, emotions and thoughts. The Plan is implemented by the complete extinction of the present civilisation, the annihilation of all individual self-determination and the destruction of all human relationships—and particularly by causing deliberate degeneration of individuals and society, causing economic collapse, causing collapse of the financial system and causing disruption of food supplies and energy supplies (the “Process of Destruction”). The Plan is a long-standing process of deliberate and organised evil which is unprecedented in the known history of humanity.

Under the Plan, Global Tyranny (the “Great Reset”) is to be imposed in place of the present civilisation. Global Tyranny is the imposition of international, centralised, digital control systems run by AI algorithms on every human being on the Planet; this is the “Infrastructure of Slavery”.

The master-mind and guiding force behind the Plan is a predatory and parasitic international grouping that has infested humanity for very many years.

The Plan is very near to completion.

The British Constitution has irretrievably broken down. The Government have betrayed the British people by directly collaborating with the international grouping in the imposition of the Plan on the British people. The Social Contract has accordingly been broken and the Government have ceased to have legal authority.

As the Social Contract has been broken and the laws which the British Ruling Elite are using to force the British people into slavery are not divine laws but man-made laws, the British people are not required to obey them. All conventional opposition still tries to operate by way of political parties within the existing constitutional system of this country; this is now pointless as the existing constitutional and electoral system has been irrevocably corrupted and prevents new parties from being elected. The British Ruling Elite WILL NOT LISTEN AND WILL NOT CHANGE; they prevent all forms of opposition. Gradual reform within the current system is therefore no longer possible—so the British people are left with nothing except direct action, between them and slavery. The whole corrupt system must be ended and replaced.

If nothing is done to stop the current process, Global Tyranny, the CBDC and the Infrastructure of Slavery will be imposed on the people of Britain and will turn their lives into hell. We do not have to accept it.


It is time that the British people broke their chains and took back the power that is rightfully theirs.

The Programme of National Reform is a blueprint of detailed proposals to create a new society. It sets out specific constitutional, political, electoral, legal, monetary, educational and social reforms based on the Universal Spiritual Laws, which will stop the Plan and rebuild British civilisation. It fundamentally and permanently transfers power from the corrupt and toxic British Ruling Elite (who have fatally misused power) to the individual British Citizen. It repairs the damage caused by the Process of Destruction, installs a New Parliamentary System and a Sovereign Monetary System, empowers the individual and prevents the imposition of Global Tyranny, the Infrastructure of Slavery and the dictatorship. It is a detailed battle plan for the Freedom Movement.

Reforms will include the following:

There will be a New Parliamentary System.

The political party system will be abolished. All MPs will be independents and delegates of their constituents; they will be contractually bound to their constituents (not the Party) and if they break their contractual duties they can be removed by individual constituents.

The British Constitution will become a Direct Democracy where Elected Persons will no longer be “representatives” of their constituents (where they have to do whatever their Political Party tells them), but delegates of their constituents where they are contractually bound to fulfil legally binding “Delegated Duties” to their constituents directly.

Constitutional reforms will stop the Crown-Government-Parliament having an absolute power to do whatever they want or pass any law that they want, as is the case now. Limitations will be put in place and if these are exceeded then their laws will be ultra vires and unenforceable.

A SOVEREIGN MONETARY SYSTEM will be introduced (instead of the CBDC). This will also enable the repayment of the National Debt and use of the interest of £1b a week to take a very large number of people out of tax altogether.

All loans of Sovereign Money by the state-owned National Lending Bank (including all home mortgages) will be free of all interest.

Cultural and racial conflict will be neutralised by establishing a system of NATIONAL COHERENCE.

All immigration (including chain immigration) will be stopped immediately, completely and permanently.

Internationally controlled Monopoly Capitalism with ESG will be broken up.

The Infrastructure of Slavery will be dismantled and destroyed.

There will be legally enforceable protection for the Inherent Right to Freedom of Speech.

The family will be strengthened.

Official creation of sexual dysfunction in children and young people will be stopped.

The British Ruling Elite’s woke policies, with their lies and deliberate promotion of depravity, degeneracy and destruction, are in total breach of the Universal Spiritual Laws. These policies will be stopped.

Every individual British Citizen will be empowered to bring direct legal actions for breach of public duty (with Legal Aid) against, inter alia, the reigning Monarch, the Prime Minister, all Governments including all Local Government, all politicians, all in the British Public Sector (as defined), all in the National Education System and all in the media.

Those identified as actively assisting the international grouping (“Collaborators”) will be dismissed from all Key Employment Positions and barred from holding any Key Employment Positions in the future.

Other detailed and fundamental reforms will be made, inter alia, to the constitution, the political system, the electoral system, the educational system, the ruined economy, Broadcasting, the Non-Broadcast Media, Internet and Social Media World Monopolies, and social arrangements.

There must be a new start in society, and so there must be a reassertion of the Universal Spiritual Laws. The Programme of National Reform provides that these spiritual principles are built into the legal and political systems to give spiritual meaning and purpose to human existence. The two must now go together.

The Counter Revolution is based on the following spiritual principles:

That every individual is of precious and priceless value—irrespective of status, wealth, intelligence, race, physical strength, beauty, worldly abilities or talents, social importance, social skills, family origins or connections.

That humans are spiritual beings, temporarily living in physical bodies during a series of lives on Earth, and that the primary purpose of life on Earth for every individual is their Spiritual Development, leading towards their merger with their Higher Self—their innate Divinity, the ONE CONSCIOUSNESS. This is the Spiritual Destiny of humanity. The Plan must not be allowed to succeed, for if it does succeed, the Spiritual Destiny of humanity will be stopped.


The Programme of National Reform must be installed immediately.

We will not be slaves, we would rather die. The future of humanity is at stake. We do not agree to submit to slavery to comply with a corrupt Constitution or a corrupt ruling elite or a corrupt legal system. If the British Government (or ruling elite) try to impose Global Tyranny on us, then they will be resisted with every power at our disposal to prevent that happening.

It is highly unlikely that the British Ruling Elite will agree (or be allowed by their controllers to agree) to any reforms at all. So, to avoid being enslaved by the Global Tyranny, the CBDC and the Infrastructure of Slavery, the British people will be forced into taking direct action against the illegal British Government by means of massive civil disobedience (as in the case of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr)—demanding an immediate General Election under the New Parliamentary System, where the existing Political Party system is abolished and a new and reformed House of Commons of independent MPs is elected on Direct Democracy who owe direct contractual duties to their constituents.